When writing a dissertation remember to set regular
deadlines for yourself - and then meet them!

When proofreading your own work always use a printed
copy and wait as long as possible between finishing writing
and starting proofreading so you have fresh eyes.

Avoid using contractions and a chatty tone of voice when
writing. You can use a dictionary and thesaurus to help
you select more formal vocabulary.

When writing in a foreign language be prepared to write
several drafts. If the first draft is not all in English don’t

worry - just focus on getting your ideas on paper.

Take advantage of any support offered by experienced
students - they can give you advice about supervisors,
bookshops, rules and regulations, etc.

Introductions are crucial - if your introduction seems to omit a vital area
of argument, there is an expectation that the essay will be lacking.

Unfortunately many of the essays that I read have rather a tendency to be
taken over by elaborate descriptions of terms, or background information that
wanders so far from the question that the reader can no longer remember it.
When you give background information keep it relevant, keep it brief - if in
doubt leave it out!

The interpretation of data, discussion and conclusion sections of your dissertation cannot be effectively prepared ahead of the data collection process, but it is useful
to note down your expectations of the results and your ideas for the direction of
​the discussion chapter as this information will provide you with valuable ideas
for your introduction.

Think about your ideal working scenario when you plan your writing schedule -
i.e. time of day, preceding and following activities, consider a reward system
​to incentivise you,
etc., etc.

Tip 9

Tip 5

Writing Tips

Tip 1

Tip 12

Tip 2

Tip 7

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 2

Don't let your grammar effect
your marks. Academic Proofreader
is here to help.

Tip 6

Tip 15

Tip 1

Tip 3

Tip 8

Tip 21

Tip 8

Tip 17

Tip 7

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Writing Tips

Tip 1